We were presented with updated CHS and Dodd athletic budget reports and fee options. The reports break out the actual cost by activity and include scenarios for a Tiered and Fixed fee for each activity.
Extra-curricular cost summary:
High School Activities $670,000
High School Music $107,000
(Band, Color Guard, Orchestra, Chorus, etc.)
Middle School Athletics $108,000
High School Clubs/Organizations $ 80,000
Total $965,000
John Kuhner presented the finance committee with a report from the CHS Band Parents Association that details the amount of money that the association contributes to the music programs above and beyond what's covered in the budget. (thank you John). The BPA currently contributes $94,000 towards these programs through donations, fees, auctions, etc. Also, in additon to the participation fee, band participants pay an additonal fee up to $500 each.
The current participation fee is $100 and is used to offset the costs listed above. The fee is charged for participants in middle school and high school athletics and for participants in the HS marching band and color guard. The fee generates approximately $100K.
Option: Elimination of Program*:
High School Athletics: $670,000 less current fee $70,000 = $600,000
Middle School Athletics: $108,000 less current fee $20,000 = $88,000
Marching Band Color Guard: $65,000 less current fee $10,000 = $55,000
High School Clubs/Activities: $80,000 no fee = $80,000
Other Music Programs $42,000 no fee = $42,000
* This option represents a significant reduction in programs.
Additional Options Discussed:
- Increase the Fee under the existing structure. Incrementally, every $100 added to the fee would generate $100,000.
- Extend the fee to all programs not current covered by the fee. This would be difficult because of the range, scope and cost of the variety of clubs/activities not covered by the current fee.
- Create a club & activity fee for each student involved in any extracurricular (non-athletic/music) of $25 per club activity.
- Create a full pay to play model based on the actual cost of the sport of activity.
- Develop a tiered system for the fees based on the relative cost of the program.
CHS Athletic Budget - Cost Breakdown / Tiered / Fixed Fee Analysis
Dodd Middle School Athletic Budget - Cost Breakdown / Tiered / Fixed Fee Analysis
Dodd Middle School - Elimination of Youth Program Sports Analysis
Fee Options for Reducing Expenditures or Increasing Fee Revenue
After being presented with these options/analysis the finance committee wrapped up the discussion on these costs. No motion was made at this time. Depending on the reduction to the budget, we may see a significant fee increase and/or elimination of program.
The BOE Finance committee is holding a workshop meeting 7:30am 2/24 in the Humiston Board Room. This is a working meeting between the committee and administration to study physical space capacity at our elementary schools. Other topics to be discussed throughout the course of the finance committee meetings are:
- Cost Savings, or excess costs, associated with closing Darcey and moving the K classes to the other elementary schools.
- Feasibility of phasing out grade levels from Chapman to the other elementary schools.
- Feasibility in consolidating our maintenance department with the town's maintenance dept.
- Elective course costs/enrollment at CHS.
- Parking fee at CHS